Riceland Medical Center determines its standard charges for patient services with the use of a chargemaster, similar to the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). These are the baseline rates for services provided by the hospital.
The hospital’s charges are the same for all patients, as shown in the attached file, but do not necessarily reflect a patient’s responsibility which may vary, depending on the patient’s level of insurance.
Government insurance plans, such as Medicare and Medicaid, and most commercial plans do not pay the chargemaster rates, but have their own rates which the hospital is obligated to accept. Insured patient portions are determined by your insurance company benefits and most entail discounts from charges as well. Significantly discounted rates are also available for many procedures that are not routinely covered by your insurance company.
Uninsured or under-insured patients may qualify for significant pricing discounts. Riceland Medical Center offers a financial assistance program that may help you qualify for significantly reduced patient responsibilities. Our financial specialist can also discuss cash pricing arrangements.
Please note, the price lists do not include physicians’ fees from surgeons, anesthesiologists, radiologists, pathologists or other professional fees. Your physician’s office will bill you separately for services and should be able to give you pricing information if you call their office directly. Your final bill may vary based on the actual services provided, existing health conditions that may impact your care, and your insurance coverage if you are insured.
Pricing is current as of January 1, 2020