HTMLIf you or a family member recently received services at Riceland Healthcare, we would appreciate feedback regarding the care you experienced. Feedback from our patients will help us learn how we are meeting your expectations and what we can do to better meet the needs of our patient community.Please answer the following questions and hit the submit button when you have completed the survey. If you would like to receive a reply, please include contact information.Who received services at Riceland Healthcare?MeLoved oneIf you had important questions regarding your condition or treatment, were you able to find someone to answer your questions?Yes, AlwaysYes, SometimesNoI didn’t have any questionsWere the answers that staff provided to your questions presented in a way that you could understand?Yes, AlwaysYes, SometimesNoI didn’t have any questionsHow would you rate the skills of our staff in meeting or exceeding your expectations?ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoorHow satisfied were you with the courtesy of the staff that treated you/your loved one?Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedDid you/your loved one feel that you were treated with respect and dignity?Yes, alwaysYes, sometimesNoOverall, how satisfied were you with the treatment and care you/your loved one received at Riceland Healthcare?Very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedWould you recommend Riceland Healthcare to your family or friends?Yes definitelyYes, probablyNoDo you have further comments or impressions that you would like to share?How did you hear about Riceland Healthcare?Choose LocationHospiceMedical CenterSurgery CenterHome HealthBehavioral HealthImaging CenterVidor ClinicPain ClinicEndocrinology ClinicBeaumont ClinicPsychiatric Clinic Submit